3 Best ways to earn money online

As you enter the world of internet you will find many ways of earning money online.Besides youtube there are more easiest ways of earning money online.If you want to work less and earn more then this article will surely open up your mind!
The first one is earning through blog/website,2nd by earning through shrinking urls ans the 3rd method is to earn by uploading files to PPD sites.

1.How do you earn from a blog/website?
First of all you will have to create a blog/website using blogger or wordpress.Creating blog/website on blogger or wordpress is totally free.So after you create a blog you will have to post enough content on your blog and get your blog approved from google adsense or any other advertising site.In this way you can earn money by placing ads on you blog with zero investment.

2.Now the 2nd way of earning is through shrinking urls.
You will find many such websites on the net that pay you when someone opens the link that is shrinked by you.One of the such website is adfly.I have my own personal experience with adfly and i will prefer you adfly if you wana earn through this method.

3.The 3rd way of earning money is by uploading files to PPD sits,ppd means pay per download.Such websites pay you when others download the file thta you have shared on the ppd site.Its basically Upload-Download-Earn.

If you combine these three ways in one way,you will earn a lot out of it.Create a blog start posting links that you have shrinked,direct the links to ppd sites and earn from all these three ways.All you will have to do is just bring traffic to your blog/website.This combo will surely make you reach if you work on it smartely.



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